ffmpeg toolkit

free and open source,easy ffmpeg installer scripts of CentOS 8 latest

web development

FFMPEGToolkit (current latest version v2.0) is a free and 100% open source software completely written in bash shell script, The purpose of this script is to build a video streaming platform in your Gnu/Linux server (CentOS 8.*).

So you can start video streaming websites and avoid the cost of installations. This script not only install ffmpeg but also all its friends packages. You can chose this script for building platform for most of the youtube clone softwares like clip-share, sharemixer,shareigniter,etc,

FFmpeg Toolkit Requirement

  1.  CentOS 8 64bit Latest
  2.  run in ROOT user

FFmpeg Toolkit Install

yum install -y wget git;
wget -y cd /opt;
git clone https://github.com/hostsoft/ffmpegtoolkit.git ffmpegtoolkit;
cd ffmpegtoolkit;
sh install.sh

FFmpegToolkit Verify Bin

[root@dev ~]#  which {ffmpeg,ffprobe,qt-faststart,mediainfo,neroAacEnc} 

# return

# ImageMagick Command Path 
[root@dev ~]# which {identify,convert,composite}

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All Code is Open Source in Github.COM

FFMPEG TOOLKIT Use License is :